Nicholas Brand

Strategic Program Manager
Nicholas Brand‘s career, spanning over fifteen years, is marked by significant accomplishments in program management. His academic foundation in Business Administration, with a focus on Computer and Information Systems from Thomas Edison State University, has equipped him with a versatile skillset. Nicholas’s experience as an Industrial Engineer at UPS was pivotal in sharpening his process analysis skills, a vital asset in the rapidly changing business environment. Further enhancing his portfolio, his experience as a Product Manager emphasized the critical role of strategic leadership in navigating products from their conceptual stages to successful market launches.
As an agile coach, Nicholas skillfully embraced Agile methodologies, guiding projects from start to finish while balancing innovation, fiscal responsibility, and resource management. His success in hackathon challenges is noteworthy, particularly his team’s victory in 2022 and his achievement of the People’s Choice Award in 2021, showcasing his ability to turn innovative ideas into practical achievements. At EPMPoint, Nicholas plans to blend his accumulated expertise and ongoing professional advancement to provide superior program management solutions.
Beyond his professional pursuits, Nicholas places great importance on his role as a family man. He believes this personal commitment enriches his professional life, offering him a broader and more insightful perspective.